After much playing around with qmail files, I believe I have gotten part
of qmail working.  I say part, because I have no trouble _sending_ mail,
but in delivering it, either to users on the same machine or to diffrent
hosts.  Pine is using the /usr/sbin/sendmail wrapper provided by qmail to
send mail.  

However, when I try to check the mail that was sent, it has not been
delivered.  I use bin/qmail-qstat to look a the queue, and it is growing
bigger and bigger:
---results of bin/qmail-qstat---
messages in queue: 138
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 138

I ran ps -auxw | grep qmail to determine what qmail services I had 
running.  As you can see, both qmail-send and qmail-smtpd are running.
(As a side question, is qmail-send supposed to be running so much
compared to the other processes?
---results of ps -auxw | grep qmail---
root    4746  1.1  1.4   852  440 con- S    12:25PM   3:08.61 \
supervise qmail-send
root    4748  0.0  1.4   852  440 con- I    12:25PM   0:00.25 \
supervise qmail-smtpd
root    4755  0.0  1.6   892  520  ??  I    12:25PM   0:00.13 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c cat /var/qmail
qmaill  4761  0.0  1.2   860  376  ??  I    12:25PM   0:00.13 \ 
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
qmaill  4762  0.0  1.4   872  440  ??  S    12:25PM   0:08.43 \ 
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail

I would have expected qmail-inject to deliver the message as soon as
possible.  But it has been at least 5 minutes since I sent the test
message and it still has not been delivered.

As I mentioned in a previous email question, I am working behind a home
firewall/DHCP server.  My DHCP address is My host name is
localhost.bsd.local.  If there is any other info I should include, please
let me know.

Included below is qmail-showctl:
---results of bin/qmail-showctl---
qmail home directory: /var/qmail.
user-ext delimiter: -.
paternalism (in decimal): 2.
silent concurrency limit: 120.
subdirectory split: 23.
user ids: 81, 82, 83, 0, 84, 85, 86, 87.
group ids: 81, 82.

badmailfrom: (Default.) Any MAIL FROM is allowed.

bouncefrom: (Default.) Bounce user name is MAILER-DAEMON.

bouncehost: (Default.) Bounce host name is localhost.

concurrencylocal: (Default.) Local concurrency is 10.

concurrencyremote: (Default.) Remote concurrency is 20.

databytes: (Default.) SMTP DATA limit is 0 bytes.

defaultdomain: Default domain name is .

defaulthost: (Default.) Default host name is localhost.

doublebouncehost: (Default.) 2B recipient host: localhost.

doublebounceto: (Default.) 2B recipient user: postmaster.

envnoathost: (Default.) Presumed domain name is localhost.

helohost: (Default.) SMTP client HELO host name is localhost.

idhost: (Default.) Message-ID host name is localhost.

localiphost: (Default.) Local IP address becomes localhost.


me: My name is localhost.

percenthack: (Default.) The percent hack is not allowed.

plusdomain: Plus domain name is .

qmqpservers: (Default.) No QMQP servers.

queuelifetime: (Default.) Message lifetime in the queue is 604800 seconds.


morercpthosts: (Default.) No effect.

morercpthosts.cdb: (Default.) No effect.

smtpgreeting: (Default.) SMTP greeting: 220 localhost.

smtproutes: (Default.) No artificial SMTP routes.

timeoutconnect: (Default.) SMTP client connection timeout is 60 seconds.

timeoutremote: (Default.) SMTP client data timeout is 1200 seconds.

timeoutsmtpd: (Default.) SMTP server data timeout is 1200 seconds.

virtualdomains: (Default.) No virtual domains.

concurencyincomming: I have no idea what this file does.

Thanks very much in advance! 

Cary Mathews

Abilene Christian University
ACM Chair
| Education Committee

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