Cary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>What do I need to change so it does run?  When I restart the system,
>qmail-send and qmail-stmp both show up with as being managed by

Says who?

What Do The Logs Say? (tm)

>but you and Charles both say it is not running.

If it was running, messages in the queue would be preprocessed.

>What gives?

You've botched the startup configuration somehow: typo in a script or
omitted one or more steps.

>according to Life with qmail, a properly configured qmail system should
>have four daemons running, yet I obviously had only two.  Where do the
>other two processes begin running?

qmail-start starts qmail-send, qmail-lspawn, q-rspawn, and qmail-clean.

>Once I get getmail to work delivering mail to my Maildir mailbox, I won't
>need to accept mail via SMTP for the summer, no.  BUT I will need/want to
>use SMTP when I get back to school in the fall, and have an IP address
>from which I would want to send/recieve mail (i.e. cary@[150.x.x.x]).
>Is rcpthosts the correct place to put this address, or will it automaticly
>be used (it is assigned by DHCP)?

You'll need to install either a POP3 or IMAP server, and you'll
probably want to set up one of the relay-after-pop mechanisms to grant
the dynamic IP address relay access.


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