On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 03:27:49PM +0200, Duncan MacMillan wrote:
> I'm sorry if this is off topic for this list, but I'm assuming that there
> will be people here that can answer this question.
> I have a box that runs QMail & TCPServer. The box has multiple external
> addresses that are used to route various port connections to internal
> network addresses using redir. My problem is that I now find that I need to
> route a port 25 connection into the network. The problem I am having is that
> TCPServer is binding to all the interface addresses and as such redir can
> not bind to the address and port I need.
> My question is how do I limit TCPServer to a specific address when it starts
> listening on ports 25 and 110.

Somewhere in the tcpserver line, there is a '0'. Change that to the IP
you want it to bind to.

Greetz, Peter.

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