Stephen Froehlich writes:
 > Its not an issue for me as I have 10 users and don't expect queues larger
 > than 2 or three messages (i.e. performance is not an issue).  I wanted qmail
 > for the security, though I am more than pleased to have the scalability and
 > speed.  However, why should this number be prime, why not have 12 or 16
 > directories?

Because it's a hash.  If your hash isn't prime, you fill your hash
buckets unevenly.  The scary thing is people who know primes off the
top of their heads.  "Hey Nick, do you know a prime that's about five
hundred?"  "Yeah.  521."  "Thanks."  <--- Real conversation at in 1998.

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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