Well if the problem is name resolutions, why not just install bind on the
machine itself (in a caching-only configuration)?  Then make it listen only
on and make this the primary resolver for the machine.


On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 11:32:53AM -0700, James Stevens wrote:
> I had a similar problem however my resolve to it was to take an *OLD* 286 I
> had laying around install a fairly bare installation of Linux on it and
> installed the DNS service. Then I put that online behind my firewall and
> added it's IP for port 53 to my NAT/Firewall and assigned it as the primary
> DNS server for my qmail machine. That resolved everything... However I don't
> know how many of ya out there have old 286 machines just laying around but
> you can use any machine you want you can even install bind on the qmail
> machine itself the only reason I didn't was I did not want the load of the
> DNS service on that machine.
> Cheers,
> --JT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Balatero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 11:08 AM
> Subject: RE: Netgear RP114 Router doesn't work well with Qmail POP daemon?
> Its quite slow with my Netgear RT314 router as well.
> -- David Balatero
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chin Fang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 10:24 AM
> Subject: Netgear RP114 Router doesn't work well with Qmail POP daemon?
> I recently have a user reported me the following:
>   I recently installed a Netgear RP114 Router, to provide multiple computers
>   access to the internet via a single cable modem from ATT.  Since then, my
>   Eudora email program encounters some sort of 30 second delay when
>   attempting to retrieve email from any of my awit.com accounts.  The
>   "status" display of the process shows "Logging into POP server" for
> upwards
>   of 30 seconds, before continuing.  Once it actually starts downloading
>   email, it proceeds as quickly as it always has.
>   None of the other five email POPs I deal with have this problem.  Do you
>   know of anything that I can try to improve this performance?
> I first asked him where these five POP boxes are hosted, and then I telneted
> to port 110 of these five places, and got the following info:
> popd.accesscom.com  QPOP (version 2.3)
> pop.vitac.com       DPOP Version 2.4a
> venus.he.net        QPOP (version 3.1.2)
> holzheimers.com     POP3 holzheimers.com v4.47 server
> cihost.com          POP3 localhost v4.47 server
> I then asked him to use telnet to port 110 to our POP server, and he
> still got the delay.  So, I am quite sure it's most likely caused by
> the Netgear RP114, although I don't see any reason why this is so.
> The following is from the init script of our POP server.  The -R is
> used to turn off identd, a typical cause of delay.  But he got the
> delay with the Eudora client and with the command line telnet client
> regardless.
>    tcpserver \
>    -v -R -x $RULESDIR/pop3.cdb \
>    0 pop3 qmail-popup $HOSTNAME \
>    $checkpassword qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1 \
>    | $setuidgid qmaill $tai64n 2>&1 \
>    | $setuidgid qmaill $tai64nlocal \
>    | $setuidgid qmaill $multilog s${LOGSIZE} n${LOGNUM} \
>      /var/log/pop3d &
> I am quite puzzled at this moment.  We don't have a Netgear RP114 router
> handy, so I wonder whether anyone has experienced this and has insight
> into why this symptom is there.  Any hints/tips are appreciated.
> We use qmail 1.03.
> Regards,
> Chin Fang

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