> On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 09:54:53PM -0400, Steve Reed wrote:
> > I think it would be very considerate of the list members if
> > whoever runs this mailing list would PLEASE wake up and ban the
> > living daylights out of Wilson and his barrage of viruses.
> What for? Wilson isn't the problem. The problem is that we're not in
> 92 anymore. What I'd like to see is a sublist that drops anything that
> isn't ASCII only and also everything that is sent with Windos MUAs.
> For the fun of it, I just killed everything that said Outlook
> (Express), Eudora, Pegasus and Webmail for the last month. Trust me,
> the list suddenly became good.

So Robin, despite the fact that I just finished building a qmail cluster
using 3 Sun 220R's load balanced behind a pair of F5 Networks Big/IP's,
qmail 1.03, vpopmail, courier-imap, sqwebmail, mysql and apache handling
1,000,000 users across 5,400 domains, I should be banned from your sublist
because I choose to use Outlook Express???

Yes, lots of clueless people use Windows and Windows MUA's.  But some of use
also use Windows and Windows MUA's, and *DO* have a clue.  Be carefull about
making sweeping statements.  And before you blast me for using Windows
instead of, say Linux, there are a number of applications that I need to use
on a daily basis to run my business effectively and effeciently, that still
don't have the features I need on Linux.  And yes, I've tried Star Office -
and I'm still having problems installing it on a Mandrake 7.2 box.  I just
upgraded to Mandrake 8, but I haven't tried it there yet.  Trust me - the
day I can get all the features I feel I need without using any MS apps, I'm
there.  But I'm not going to dump MS just to spite MS without having what
*I* consider suitable replacements - not you, or the rest of the rabid
Anti-MS bridgade.

Dave Weiner
CTO, WebMasters, Inc.

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