Rumor has it that Russell Nelson may have mentioned these words:
>Smithj writes:
> > Use GIMP :)
>Yup.  Anybody who uses an email client that they didn't write
>themselves (in assembly language) is just a poseur.

Altho I've never really stopped programming in assembly, I do *very* little
with it nowadays... and until sombody gets that mighty 1.78Mhz 6809 to
handle a TCP/IP stack in my CoCo3 (thru the bit-banger serial port, no
less) I doubt I will program my MUA in assembly...

In a feeble attempt to bring some signal back to the noise, I dunno if this
is a FAQ or not (but I'd suspect not...) and I have searched the archives
to no avail, but I was wondering if you can use an environment variable or
*something* to set the RBLSMTPD= variable in tcp.smtp... here's a snippet
of that file:,RBLSMTPD=/-You are banned from sending mail here;
known spam host./,RBLSMTPD=/-You are banned from sending mail here; known
spam host./,RBLSMTPD=/-You are banned from sending mail here; known
spam host./

I'd like to put a different (and prolly longer) message in there, including
an off-site email address that folks could use if they do stop sending
spam, but putting that on *every* line is becoming tedious...

Do I just "live with it" or is there an easier solution?

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

-- P.S. I use Eudora 3.0 Pro for my email client (with everything turned
off...) and under Linux I use *nothing* because I've found no client yet
that allows you to selectively remove messages via POP3 automagically thru
a filter. At home, I telnet in & grep the Maildir/new if I need to find
something important...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

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