Tom Collins wrote:

Does vpopmail maintain the order of alies lines?  I think I read
somewhere that if you are using database storage it does not.  I think
that may be a serious problem.

As designed, it does not. I agree that it's a serious problem, and I think it would be easily fixed. Add an auto-incrementing id column and make sure you sort on it.

So... what do you think about branching vpopmail then. I think maintianing order on aliases will be very important. Spam checking and TMDA will certainly require it. I also believe I remember a thread on the qmailadmin mailing list which came to the conclusion that mail robots should always deliver the message to the local mailbox even if the autoresponder decides not to send a reply. (This requires the maildir delivery line to be first in the file.)

I added a "valias_remove()" function to the database backends for removing a single entry from the valias table.

That will take some thought... I've been thinking in terms of text files where you pretty much have to write the whole thing out evety time. Hmmm...

Secondly, valias_select_all() returns aliases in sorted order when using database backends, but not when using .qmail files.

Is this the one that returns every line of every alias? Is it actually used by anything but vailas -s I think it would be much better to have one function that returns a list of alias names for a domain, and a separate function that returns the contents of a single alias. (We already have the second.) I don't see much use for the current behavior of valias_select_all() other than the whole domain dump mode of valias. QmailAdmin would be much easier with a function that returned just the alias names.

As far as sorting the file names, I'd say it is easier to add the code
to vpalias.c than to have to check for valias status in QmailAdmin.

No. It could be handy, and possibly accomplished in the database
backends by using "GROUP BY" in the SQL query. It should be easily done in the dotqmail backend.

Will you do it, or do I need to learn vpopmail internals too? :)

Finally, two more questions...

Can I use valias support to access user .qmail files, or only the ones
in the domain directory?

How can I retrieve data from the system default limits file?

Thanks, Rick

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