On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 17:16, Rick Widmer wrote:
> I also believe I remember a thread on
> the qmailadmin mailing list which came to the conclusion that mail
> robots should always deliver the message to the local mailbox even if
> the autoresponder decides not to send a reply.  (This requires the
> maildir delivery line to be first in the file.)

no, it requires the autoresponder to be sane.  I wrote a patch to make
it sane, it's on the qmailadmin sourceforge page.

There's some discussion there about how one or the other of the uses
qmailadmin is making of the autorespond program is broken, if you have
any questions about my post, let me know.  I believe it should be
reviewed and looked over.


Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
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