Hello Charles,

Wednesday, June 15, 2005, 10:45:47 AM, you wrote:

CMG> Op 13-jun-2005, om 19:48 heeft Tom Collins het volgende geschreven:

>> make clean
>> ./configure --enable-cgipath=/cgi-bin/qmailadmin.cgi
>> make
>> make install
>> mv /var/www/cgi-bin/qmailadmin /var/www/cgi-bin/qmailadmin.cgi
>> If you add --program-suffix=.cgi, you might not even need the final
>> `mv` command.

CMG> Is there a way to make this work for vqadmin also? I've run into an
CMG> issue with that which has remained unanswered (vqadmin always  
CMG> prepends /cgi-bin to its links).

CMG> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.mail.vqadmin/269

CMG> After running ./configure, I end up with:

CMG>              Current settings
CMG> ---------------------------------------
CMG> vpopmail directory = /home/vpopmail
CMG>                 uid = 8989
CMG>                 gid = 8989
CMG>         cgi-bin dir = /www/secure.lahaya.com/pages/cgi-bin
CMG>         vqadmin dir =
CMG> /www/secure.lahaya.com/pages/cgi-bin/vqadmin

CMG> vqadmin dir might help, but how to set it?

I have vqadmin working from webmin webserver, into a directory called
"mailadmin" wich contains qmailadmin also.  It seems that webmin http
server doesn`t care from wich directory you run cgi programs, as long
as they are ended in .cgi, .pl.

Best regards,
 theologu                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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