Kevin Donohue wrote:

Hello all.  I am hoping someone can answer a few questions I have to
help me in testing a migration from IPSwitch's IMail to QMail Toaster.
IMail keeps it's address book, forwarding, and user based filters in
flat text files.  I can not seem to find documentation on exactly where
these account functions are stored by default in QMail Toaster.  Can
someone please point me in the right direction?  I read through multiple
manuals, both for toaster and the software packages they are based on,
but I can not find the exact info I need.  Any help would be

BTW, I have info on converting the mail boxes from IMail to Toaster, so
if anyone need that, let me know.
QMail Toaster stores the user info (aliases, forwards, passwords, etc.) in a MySQL database (vpopmail). If you're savvy in scripting, you could write something that would take your flat-text files and import the info into the database once it's set up.

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