
how did you disable the spam detection for those accounts?


On 2/2/06, Eric Webster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the advice Jake, I think its a really good idea but others
here did not apparently. What we decided to do was to remove the Spam
Detection option on all accounts instead. This option does only
control where spam is sent to, the .Spam directory or the Inbox. With
it unchecked, users will now receive their spam in their inboxes and
can delete it, but this way it won't fill up their quotas.

On 1/31/06, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Eric Webster wrote:
> >I have some apps that automatically check email boxes via POP3 (imap
> >not available) that are heavily spammed. I do not want to remove spam
> >filtering. What I want to do, is not use the Spam folder for these
> >inboxes. I just discovered that the spam for these boxes are going to
> >that seperate boxes and then just sit there taking up space on the
> >quota. Is there a way to disable the spam box for certain accounts? I
> >thought about unchecking the Spam Detection box, but as I said, I do
> >want it filtered. After a few weeks, there was only 1 legitimate email
> >in there out of a few hundred, so I am fine with outright deleting
> >these messages that normally go to the spam folder for these users
> >only.
> >
> >
> Easiest way would be to delete the spam messages in a cron job. I run a
> cron that looks in my Spam folder and then sends them to sa-learn. Not
> needing them after that, I just:
> rm -rf /home/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com/jake/Maildir/.Spam/cur/*
> rm -rf /home/vpopmail/domains/mydomain.com/jake/Maildir/.Spam/new/*
> And that makes the messages go away. I run it every 24 hours, but you
> can run it to suit your needs.
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