Jake Vickers wrote:
> Jean-Paul van de Plasse wrote:
>> Seems there are quite some problems with this today/last night.
>> If I am not mistaken the timeout is default 60 secs per rbl, normally
>> one would think this would not give to much problems. But then again
>> if your timeout on the client side is lowish and 1 or 2 are not
>> working you will get this kind of problems/slowness..
>> Maybe we could incorporate this patch
>> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/qmail/users/123473
>> since that looks at the total time of the rblsmtp session instead of
>> per blacklist.
>> Must be fairly easy to patch this, but would like to hear what you
>> guys think about it.
> I thought Eric Shubes did a trace on it and found that it was at a 5
> minute timeout. I'm probably wrong, though.

I think that you're remembering smtp timeouts, not rbl timeouts. smtp
timeouts vary by server, and are typically 5 or 10 minutes.

> I did write a script that checks the response times on blacklists and
> adjusts your blacklists file accordingly. It's on my site. I haven't
> gotten any feedback about it, so I'm assuming no one had any problems.
> It's almost a moot point with the submission port though. If you use the
> submission port that will stop the client timeouts (assuming you opened
> the port in your firewall) since the submission port doesn't do any BL
> checks on IP addresses.

I intend to get this script (a very nice one I might add) included in
qmailtoaster-plus. None the less, I think these patches would be a valuable
addition to the stock toaster. I know that EE's been very busy lately, but
perhaps they can be added to the 'wish list'.

-Eric 'shubes'

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