Ensure you are using the latest version of the qmail-toaster rpm from
the devel site. It is very likely that at least some of the issues
relating to qmail-dk may be caused by the missing bigdns patch which
is now included.


On 3/7/07, Eric Shubes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jason P wrote:
> Do these permissions look correct for qmail-dk?  I'm just trying to think of
> something...
> -rws--x--x   1 qmailq qmail  49216 Mar  6 12:36 qmail-dk
> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric "Shubes" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 9:07 AM
> To: qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Random Domainkey Failures
> Jason P wrote:
>> Randomly, incoming and outgoing mail will fail domainkey checks.  I've
>> tested this with both yahoo and gmail, and get the same results.  I
>> cannot understand what is happening or why.  Might there be a package
>> domainkeys is depending on, that is not behaving correctly?  I've
>> upgraded everything to the devel versions, double checked DNS records,
>> and sent out various tests.  Sometimes it works, and other times it
>> doesn't.  Does anyone have any clues?  I'm running CentOS 4.3 x64.
>> Thanks,
>> Jason
> qmail-dk is broken in some cases. That's why we don't use the BG settings in
> DKVERIFY. Some keys (gmail in particular) don't verify correctly.
> I'm not aware of a problem with outgoing signatures though. You might want
> to set "t=y" in your _domainkey DNS record until Alexey (or someone) gets a
> chance to fix up qmail-dk. FWIW, gmail (google, who's the force behind DK
> and DKIM) runs DK with t=y. DKIM will be relacing DomainKeys anyway some
> time in the future. DKIM was recently approved as a standard, but there's no
> toaster (or qmail TTBOMK) implementation of it yet.

-Eric 'shubes'

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