There's no need to remove an entire upgrade sub-system, when all that's messed up is one text file with the chronology of the files in the wrong order.

Kevin Katz pointed the proper order out, and all that needs to be done is to properly adjust the current-newmodel.txt file -- Eric doesn't need to be present to do that, just whoever maintains the website should be able to fix that.

Considering it has majorly screwed up several installations so far, I am baffled why this has gone unattended for as long as it has.

In all fairness, the original upgrade script was killer, and I acknowledge the efforts that have gone into it, which it is doubly baffling why it is left to languish over one mis-ordered text file.


On Jun 6, 2007, at 3:45 AM, Jake Vickers wrote:

Eric Shubes is the one who wrote/maintains this part of QTP (qtp- upgrade). Give him some time - he started a new job a couple months back that is very demanding. If nothing else, I'll remove qtp-upgrade from the next QTP release and move back to the old upgrade script.

George E. Nichols
"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle."

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