In my ongoing battle againt spam - I have a few questions.

I already do some Bayesian Statistical Scoring with a spam & notspam accounts
As described in
and I am rather certain this is working - based on the repeat offenders that 
seem to now be tagged ***SPAM***

2 Qs  
(((   1
I find on the wiki  this 
rules_du_jour  .   This is a script and configuration for adding/updating 
additional SpamAssassin rule sets from various web sites, primarily It has been preconfigured for QmailToaster by 
Jake. It can be run from qtp-menu or the CLI. In order to run it as a daily 
cron job, you can do the following: 
# cp -p /opt/qmailtoaster-plus/etc/cron.daily/rules_du_jour /etc/cron.daily/.
am I to understand that i could cron the above and that will give my antiSpam 
more "smarts"?(((2
 I was wondering if there was a local blacklist file... local to my server
( back when I was doing postfix I had a reject.domain hash that i employed )
basically a list of spammers - or does that sort of solution slow every mail 
transaction down and waste bandwidth?
Is any value to Blacklisting  this horrible source of spam
in some conf on my machine so that noone in my domain would get mail
and if so is it a good solution?



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