In response to the question about 64-bit Linux versions & stability...

I have been running Qmail-Toaster (no plus, not ISO) on Fedora Core 5 for more than a year. The problems I have encountered have been primarily operator error and poor configuration choices (in other words, my own damned fault -- as much as I loathe to admit it). I do still have some concerns about running Qmail in general -- primarily because I don't like "black boxes" and I don't yet have any kind of reasonable understanding of the processing path used in Qmail. But that's MY problem, not Qmail's! I need more time to study the Qmail part of the system, but work pays money & study does not (yet!).

The only time I have had ANY problem with this system (in general) was when my wife wanted me to make a QuickTime MOV file playable on a DVD: the video codecs were not written for the 64-bit version, and I would up running a 32-bit Fedora Core 7 in VM. What a pain that was -- just for a video!

In addition to the Qmail Toaster (with about 15 domains), the same system also runs an Apache Web Server (for about 10 domains), both ISC BIND & DHCP services, and SAMBA (as a PDC). I'd call it as stable as a ROCK!

There are two caveats:
1) I do Linux and general Unix consulting for my business, so some of the minor issues (like turning off services that FC5 wanted to run "out of the box", or configuring SAMBA as a PDC) are things I can do far more easily than the "average" admin, and 2) I don't configure my systems with the GUI -- there are no X-Windows at all on my servers! So if you're looking for GUI experience on a 64-bit system, I am not a reasonable case study.

I hope you find the information here useful... or someone else does, at least!

Dan McAllister
IT4SOHO - Information Technologies for the Small Office & Home Office

bb. wrote:

I think, if OS and application are both 64bit, they
would run feelable faster but...

Is there any experienced person and is 64bit
problemless choice?

Thanks to God and good programmers...

--- Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

bb. wrote:
Yes Jake Helper,

I am still trying on the new install and i have
already formated the previous installs and logs.

Now, is this the good (~same like) way:

1- Install CentOS 5 x64
2- Follow the instructions in:
Or do you recommend ISO because it is more fine
(So stable) and 32bit because of more people uses
tested) 32 instead of 64bit OS & QMT?

Oh that is complex work for weekend and thanks for
your kindly replies...

That will be entirely up to you. I personally think
64-bit is not needed for a mail server, and also think Cent5 is very
Those instructions should get you up an running. I
have not used them myself, but others on the list are running the same scenario that you are. The ISO is only meant to make the installation
easier for new folks.

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