Anyone else installed squirreloutlook on their QMT machine? I have one server which needs this installed but I just can't get past this error. Maybe someone else can see it since I can't after starring for endless hours now :). There seem to be a couple of errors but when I look at the paths, they seem fine so I'm unsure what the problem is. PS: I've replaced squirrelmail with this for testing. [Sat Nov 17 15:59:01 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/themes, referer: http://mail.domain.com/webmail/src/login.php [Sat Nov 17 15:59:01 2007] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/images, referer: http://mail.domain.com/webmail/src/login.php [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: base_uri in /usr/share/squirrelmail/functions/display_messages.php on line 147, referer: http://mail.domain.com/webmail/src/webmail.php [client] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: org_title in /usr/share/squirrelmail/functions/display_messages.php on line 147, referer: <http://mail.domain.com/webmail/src/webmail.php>

It looks like either the package is incomplete, or a permission issue. Do those files physically exist? /usr/share/squirrelmail/config/themes?

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