On Tue, 29 Jan 2008 14:46:33 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You misunderstood me, Mike. QMT is a great email server with fantastic
> community support. It's only the vqadmin package that's deprecated by
> inter7, the people who wrote it. The rest of it is top notch.

I see, ok, thanks. I don't think I fully understand the package :). I know
it's made up of various components and that there are two ways of getting it.
On the QMT site and from Jake's pre-assembled ISO which I am now using.

Beyond that, I've not really been able to learn much more about what all of
the different packages are or where they come from. I wish I had the time to
study everything I take on but need to be a general specialist in all of them.


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