I have several problems with the James' post below. However, let me start by saying that I spent more than 20 years administering large sites using sendmail. In fact, I used to be one of only 3 accredited instructors in "sendmail Administration" for Learning Tree International (for whom I no longer work, and they long-ago retired that course, as well as most of their other "advanced" UNIX/Linux courses). The point being, I'm not trying to get into a sendmail vs. QMail war here. I am a FIRM believer that no single tool is appropriate for all problems (which is a major argument I use with clients who want an "all windows" environment).

Next, I'll admit that my assumptions (which may be false, or at least may be different from James') include that the filter-MTA (sendmail or QMail) is on a different machine than the end-user-MTA (which could be almost anything, but in my experience is usually an MS Exchange server), and that the original sender is a relatively new Linux System Administrator who had sufficient difficulty getting QMT operating to his satisfaction that a decision was made to drop it (again, probably in favor of MS Exchange -- but that is purely MY guess).

So, that being said, there are some "claims" made be James that I definitely don't follow on:

To begin with, at first glance I reject the notion that sendmail is categorically faster and has overall lower-overhead than QMail. They each have a very different programming approach: sendmail is a "monolithic" mail handling program that "does it all in one process", whereas QMail follows a more "UNIX-y" approach: create several small programs that each do one thing well, then connect them with pipes and/or sockets. As a result, my experience has been that QMail has an overall file-I/O superiority, and sendmail has an overall CPU utilization superiority. Still: a) as a "simple" front-end processor, neither program (sendmail or QMail) is going to have knowledge of valid mailbox names (at least not directly from the the other MTA), so both should accept all messages for any properly-configured domain & send them on to the appropriate end-user-MTA b) if you're going to do something more "fancy", like configure mailboxes in BOTM MTA's (the end-user MTA & the filter-MTA), then doing so shouldn't be too much harder for QMail or sendmail - either one, so that would be a "push" c) if you assume that your system will have a CPU resource issue in handling your inbound message-load (suggested 200k per day would be too much), then you're apparently not looking at the configuration options of QMail (/var/qmail/control/concurrency*) or are ignoring the effects of adding relatively cheap RAM to your system to offset those effects. Again, in my experience sendmail's CPU load is not /THAT/ significantly lower than QMail's.

NOTE: In the above case, I am making those comparisons on "basic" QMail, not QMT -- which adds clamav, spamassassin, and (in this users case) spamdyke -- all of which are CPU intensive. IMHO, if being used as a SPAM filter, I would disable the clamav scans in QMT, allowing only the spamassassin & spamdyke filters. The end-user MTA (or even the end-user system!) could be relied upon to perform AV scanning. (In the case of MS Exchange, I would ASSUME than an appropriate AV program is running on the server. As AV scanning would naturally occur AFTER the message receipt and mailbox validation, it would be the naturally better choice to do the AV scan THERE vs. in the filter -- which would have to scan ALL messages)... but this applies evenly to QMT/spamdyke and to sendmail/mimedefang!

Next, I equally reject the notion that you would get "backsplash" from the end-user MTA. That would assume that the end-user MTA is setup to "bounce" invalid mailbox messages, or that said rejections would come back to the filter-MTA. The practice of BOUNCING invalid email addresses has been increasingly ill-advised for more than a decade ( I personally remember reading how it was becoming a "bad idea" as far back as 1999 -- so maybe I heard it early and it's only been 9 years). I admittedly assumed (perhaps wrongly) that the end-user MTA would accept and drop invalid messages. However, even IF the end-user MTA DID BOUNCE invalid mailbox messages, it will be doing so at one of 2 times: a) During the initial exchange (pre-full-message delivery), in which case QMail can be programmed to retry only a very limited number of times (after all, virtually ALL of QMail's outbound messages will be to the end-user MTA -- not various "real" MTA's on the Internet as is assumed in the default configs), or b) Post message receipt, in which case, the response goes back to the sender directly (presumably straight out the Internet connection & not through the filter-MTA system). Now this DOES assume that you're not trying to filter outbound messages on the filter-MTA system. I've already argued that point earlier -- see my original post!

So, regardless of the behavior of the end-user MTA, any "back-splash" would be directed to the Internet, not back to the filter-MTA (our QMail or sendmail server). Ironically the rationale for DROPPING vs. BOUNCING mail addressed to non-existent mailboxes is because of SPAM issues... SPAM producers long-ago figured out how to "address harvest" from mail servers that bounce erroneous addresses. Messages that DON'T bounce from said poorly configured servers are then SOLD as "confirmed, valid user addresses" to other spammers -- thus helping you, the poor novice mail administrator, get the word out that you are ill-equipped to prevent SPAM, and thus increasing the amount of SPAM your soon-to-be-pitied end-users receive exponentially!

FINALLY, if you take into consideration the original poster, (Mike?), who had difficulty in getting a QMT setup and working, and so abandoned that as an end-user MTA, the idea that using a sendmail/mimedefang approach would work "better" seems to ignore his admitted limitations (no offense, Mike!). Recall how I mentioned above that I used to TEACH a 4-day course in sendmail Administration! I will freely admit that, after 4 full action-packed days, our students were STILL not fully-ready-for-prime-time sendmail administrators (but they COULD do some fancy stuff in sendmail -- certainly enough to get them in REAL trouble!) However, that being said, I would doubt that it would take more than a day, perhaps stretched into 2, to teach the same capabilities in QMT. Naturally, one of the REASONS is that sendmail is infinitely more configurable than QMT -- but it is also infinitely more COMPLEX than QMT -- which is why I would NOT recommend a sendmail/mimedefang configuration to the original poster. At least not without professional Linux Admin help!

sendmail has its place -- and I still administer ONE sendmail site. But when you consider that I administer well over 100 email domains on more than 30 systems -- I have to say that, in my opinion, QMT is to mail administration what XWindows was to making *nix an end-user friendly system! (That is, it makes things MUCH easier than the traditional "guru-friendly" *nix approach!)

These are just my thoughts and opinions, and although I named James herein, I offer him no ill-will. I simply disagree with his advise on purely technical grounds.

Also, it's Saturday, it's raining outside, and I'm BORED out of my SKULL today... and I have just successfully survived an hour of opera by concentrating instead on writing this LONG message!!!

Here's to hoping the weather (and your sanity) is better wherever YOU are!


Daniel McAllister, President

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James E. Pratt wrote:

If your network processes a lot of mail (i.e over 200k messages per
day), this could really kill your front-end box, as qmail will accept
mail for non-existent users by default and you will be wasting cpu
cycles scanning worthless messages that will just end up bouncing and
sending lots of backscatter out, essentially worsening the overall "spam
problem" in general :\ ...
I use sendmail and mimedefang here at work and I have way more control
than qmail-toaster could ever give us for a front-end to exchange, as
qmail-toaster is really built more for backend storage of multi-domains.
You can get much better performance on a spamassassin relay using a
different MTA like sendmail or exim/postfix along with
procmail/mimedefang etc... I mean, Qmail is definitely great, but has
certain issues that make it somewhat unsuitable for large, single-domain
environments... :\

(just my 2 cents!) :)


Dan McAllister wrote:

I have implemented this, using QMT as a front-end filter for an Exchange


It's actually simple...
a) Install QMT -- but do NOT add ANY domains (much less users)
b) Add your domain to the /var/qmail/contol/rcpthosts file, eg:
c) Add the address of your exchange server to the file
/var/qmail/control/smtproutes, eg:

NOTE: In my experience, it was a worthless exercise to try to route
outbound mail through the toaster as well... let exchange deliver the
outbound mail, but QMail sit in front of Exchange on the inbound side.
In other words, Exchange should be sitting behind a firewall (or NAT
router), and the inbound mail ports (namely 25) should be directed to
your QMT system, NOT the Exchange system. (You'll also want to point
some type of web interface to the Exchange Server for remote mail
access. I use an advanced router to redirect different ports for that

I hope this helps.... SOMEONE!


One thing is that spam went way way down while I was using QMT.
Are there any documents out there on perhaps using QMT simply as a pre-processing host? All email coming into the network would go though
that first, get cleaned, then continue on to the mail server.


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