Ben Mills wrote:
> Eric Shubert wrote:
>> As Jake said though, ram is key. 512M runs nicely. Much more than that is
>> overkill for a small standalone toaster.
> What toaster version are you guys using? This one (a cent5) would eat
> 512 megs of RAM alive. At times it'll spike up to 560 or so, but it
> usually uses 520-530.
> Ben

COS4.6. I've heard that COS5 is more of a pig, and I'm not really sure
how/why that is. I can't believe it's all in the kernel (COS4 is 2.6.9).

Keep in mind that Linux will use what you give it, for caching and such. I
usually look at swap/paging to tell if more RAM is needed or not. I'm no
expert with performance tuning though.

-Eric 'shubes'

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