I also had a problem with this error -- and it had a REALLY odd cause:

I was logging in from a site that had a load-balancing dual-wan router... so qmailadmin thought I was logging in from 2 separate IP addresses. I fixed it in this case by using an SSL connection (https://mydomain.com/qmailadmin). This prevented the load-balancing router from load-balancing my connection to the qmail server.

Not likely your problem (Jake's answer is MUCH more likely), but thought I'd throw the information out there... just in case!

I hope this helps... someone!


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Jake Vickers wrote:
Helmut Fritz wrote:
nobody huh?  :(

-----Original Message-----
From: Helmut Fritz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, May 18, 2008 10:25 AM
To: 'qmailtoaster-list@qmailtoaster.com'
Subject: Weird issue with qmailadmin

Recently (the last 3 or 4 months) I have been getting a weird error when
attempting operations via qmailadmin. I can log in as postmaster fine, but
when I try an operation is get this text across the top of the window.

"Only one person can log in as system postmaster at one time. Someone else
has logged in. Please only have one login at a time."

I then get dumped back to the log in window and log in as postmaster again
and try the same operation again.  This does not occur 100% of the time,
probably 75%.  If I am persistent, I get it to work.  I recently did an
upgrade via QTP-newmodel, but has this error before the upgrade as well. It did work when I first set the machine up, but after a few months of running I started getting this error (I only need to make changes infrequently). My domains all get created with vadddomain nowadays. The initial domains were created with admin-toaster. I get the error with orignal domains and new

I found an error in the apache error log that may be related due to the time
of errors (although not sure).

"PHP Notice:  Use of undefined constant r - assumed 'r' in
/usr/share/toaster/include/admin.inc.php on line 137"

There are also other errors that seem to be related to a successful
qmailadmin operation, probably for a separate thread sometime.

That error is okay to ignore. It happens everytime someone logs in using postmaster.
I've seen this before, but only for 1 of 2 reasons:
someone is already logged into qmailadmin as the postmaster (did you use a strong password? In the case I was called in to investigate they had set the password as "password" and someone had "hacked" (it was so simply done and for such a STUPID reason I hate to even call it hacking) into their account and was creating email accounts for themselves) Using the postmaster account in an IMAP client will also generate this error in another case I've seen. Does someone monitor the postmaster account (sometimes set as a catch-all) and uses IMAP?

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