Good deal Gilbert! Glad it was able to help you!

Would you please sign up for the wiki and type up the way that you did this? I 
know that others would find it very useful.


On Sep 28, 2010, at 5:57 PM, "Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr." 
<> wrote:

> I have ran through this instruction set and I have to say that it is great.
> The following additional rpms need to be installed...
> 1. php-devel
> 2. php-imap
> The pecl command needs to be changed to the following,,,
> pecl install Imagick json LZF geoip
> If pecl fails like it did for me with ImageMagick you should refer to the 
> following bug...
> After running the pecl command and answering with defaults you need to add 
> the following 4 lines into the php.ini file.
> I also found that you have to add the user to the database server, I thought 
> it would do it when I adjusted the sql script with my prefered password, but 
> I was wrong.
> In some of my searches on the web to fill in holes in my knowledge, I found 
> the following security settings are recommended...
> Security configuration
> Secure config files:
> chown apache:root -R /var/www/html/horde/config
> chown apache:root -R /var/www/html/horde/*/config
> chmod -R go-rwx /var/www/html/horde/config
> chmod -R go-rwx /var/www/html/horde/*/config
> Secure scripts:
> chown -R root:root /var/www/html/horde/scripts
> chown -R root:root /var/www/html/horde/*/scripts
> chmod -R go-rwx /var/www/html/horde/scripts
> chmod -R go-rwx /var/www/html/horde/*/scripts
> Secure test.php:
> chmod a-rwx /var/www/html/horde/test.php
> chmod a-rwx /var/www/html/horde/*/test.php
> Thanks for the help list.
> Gilbert
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Scott Hughes
> To:
> Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 5:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [qmailtoaster] Re: Web Mail Interface
> On 9/27/10 3:29 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
>> Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. wrote: 
>>> I need a good web interface for my Qmail Toaster.  I know it has been 
>>> discussed on this list many times before, but I have to ask.  I would like 
>>> a nice Commercial looking interface to direct my customers to, what would 
>>> the group suggest?  I do not care if it is a squirelmail skin that I have 
>>> to pay for or some other completely different application. 
>>> Thank you, 
>>> Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. 
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I presume you mean a mail client application, not an administrative one. 
>> There will be a Horde webmail package available for QMT at some point in the 
>> not too distant future, I expect by the end of the year. 
>> Egroupware also has a nice webmail app (from what I've heard). 
>> There are also skins for squirrelmail, some of which would require you to 
>> use their package instead of squirrelmail-toaster, which only means that you 
>> might have a little configuration to do with it. The squirrelmail 
>> configuration isn't difficult. 
>> Basically, any web app that's imap/smtp compatible should work just fine. 
>> Take your pick. 
> I couldn't locate the Horde install guide on the wiki site, but here is 
> Anil's guide that should take care of you!
> Horde Configuration Guide:
> (Assuming  you are  using Centos 5 or RHEL 5 distro but horde installation 
> steps will remain same in all linux distros)
> Step 1:
> Download horde tar file into any downloads folder
> wget
> go to the www root folder.
> # cd /var/www/html
> # tar -zxvf /path to you horde download folder/horde-webmail-latest.tar.gz
> # mv  horde-webmail-1.2.6  horde
> # cd  horde
> Install Required PHP modules:
> # yum -y install GeoIP geoip-devel gd ImageMagick ImageMagick-devel 
> ImageMagick-perl
> # yum -y install php-mbstring php-gettext php-gd php-xml php-mcrypt 
> php-pecl-Fileinfo
> # pecl install Imagic json LZF geoip
> edit   /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf  and add the following:
> <Directory /var/www/html/horde>
> Options  Includes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
> AllowOverride All
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> AcceptPathInfo On
> php_flag track_vars On
> #php_admin_value memory_limit 384M
> php_admin_value post_max_size 20M
> </Directory>
> # service httpd restart
> http://your-server-ip/horde/test.php
> check if all required php modules are installed Step 2.
> Step 2:
> Now Configure Horde:
> # cd /var/www/html/horde
> Before executing the setup.php script we need to change the default password 
> for user horde in the sql script for horde database creation. If you don't 
> want to change the default password skip this step and directly to Step3 and 
> run the setup script:
> # vi scripts/sql/create.mysql.sql
> USE mysql;
> REPLACE INTO user (host, user, password)
>     VALUES (
>         'localhost',
>         'horde',
> -- IMPORTANT: Change this password.
>         PASSWORD('horde')                 <---------------(Change you 
> password here)
> );
> save the file and proceed to step 3.
> Step 3:
> # cd  /var/ww/html/horde
> # php scripts/setup.php
> What is the web root path on your web server for this installation, i.e. the 
> path of the address you use to access Horde Groupware Webmail Edition in your 
> browser? [/horde]
> Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Configuration Menu
>     (0) Exit
>     (1) Configure database settings
>     (2) Create database or tables
>     (3) Configure administrator settings
>     (4) Update PEAR for a new or changed location
>     (5) Update from an older Horde Groupware Webmail Edition version
> Type your choice:  1
> What database backend should we use? [false]
>     (false) [None]
>     (dbase) dBase
>     (ibase) Firebird/InterBase
>     (fbsql) Frontbase
>     (ifx) Informix
>     (msql) mSQL
>     (mssql) MS SQL Server
>     (mysql) MySQL
>     (mysqli) MySQL (mysqli)
>     (oci8) Oracle
>     (odbc) ODBC
>     (pgsql) PostgreSQL
>     (sqlite) SQLite
>     (sybase) Sybase
> Type your choice: mysql
> Request persistent connections? [0]
>     (1) Yes
>     (0) No
> Type your choice: 1
> Username to connect to the database as* [] horde
> Password to connect with [] Your Password that you changed to in Step 2.  (If 
> you have not changed in the password in step 2 then type horde)
> How should we connect to the database? [unix]
>     (unix) UNIX Sockets
>     (tcp) TCP/IP
> Type your choice: unix

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