On 10/3/2010 12:51 PM, Natalio Gatti wrote:
Just to expand a bit on my situation.

     Further investigation showed that the compromised account
    belonging to a host on our network with a public IP was
    compromised with a trojan on the machine. This trojan I suppose
    was running a small server watching email traffic and sniffing
     Once compromised I do believe the master server where the trojan
    came from executed the attack. I did not see but only one IP using
    the account for this purpose. Not Say that the master(hacker)
    could wake more bots to be used in the attack.

    A little more control over the queue would be nice. For now I have
    implemented nagios to watch the concurrency level and warn me when
    it goes above a certain level.

I had similar problems, but mails were sent via webmail (I'm using Horde). I'm installing a captcha to stop bots using my webmail interface. With the script I posted some mails ago, I'm monitoring the queue every minute, so as to detect a compromised account. But these are all temporal solutions until a real solution could be implemented, like an accounting module to qmail, which can limit the numbers of mails being sent from an IP or an authenticated user. Googling a bit I found an accounting module for qmail, but I could't test it: http://www.gplhost.com/old_stuff/index.php?rub=softwares&sousrub=mysqmail <http://www.gplhost.com/old_stuff/index.php?rub=softwares&sousrub=mysqmail>
Has Anyone used it?

I seen where Yahoo webmail does this.
I have cacti setup with Thold to alert me when concurrency goes above certain threshold because even for an ISP if it ever goes above 12 for a certain amount of time there something wrong.
So far all is quiet.

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