On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Eric Shubert <e...@shubes.net> wrote:

> Natalio Gatti wrote:
>> Here is a small script that monitors queue size and send an email in case
>> it grows over certain limit:
>> **********************
>> #/bin/sh
>> email=m...@domain
>> Max_Size=15
>> cola=`tail -50 /var/log/qmail/send/current | grep status | tail -1 | cut
>> -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d '/' -f 1`
>> if test $cola -gt $Max_Size
>> then
>> /opt/qmailtoaster-plus/bin/qmqtool -l > /tmp/cola_saliente
>> cat /tmp/cola_saliente | mail -s"COLA SALIENTE CON $cola MENSAJES" $Email
>> fi
>> **********************
>> I'm using it in 2 servers and it permits to detect when an abused account
>> is used to send spam.
>> Hope it helps.
>> Salutti,
>> Natalio.
> That's nice, Natalio. However, what it appears that you're using to trigger
> the message is the number of messages being sent at once. Wouldn't it be
> simpler to use the "qmailctl queue" command (instead of the send log) to
> determine exactly how many messages are in the queue? I think that would
> give a more meaningful reading.
> Yes Eric, I'm monitoring the number of mails beeing sent at once. I thought
that it was the easiest way. I really didn't analyze it very much. If you
think that controlling the queue size is a better way, I can modify the

> I do like it though. Perhaps we can work this into QTP somehow, at least
> for the short term.
> No problem if you want to add it to QTP.


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