Hi Christian,

Please find mxtoolbox output below:

220 relay.that-aviation.com - Welcome SMTP Server ESMTP

Not an open relay.
 0 seconds - Good on Connection time
 2.153 seconds - Good on Transaction time
 OK - resolves to relay.that-aviation.com
 OK - Reverse DNS matches SMTP Banner

Even if RDNS doesn't match with SMTP banner as far as I know it won't affect your mailing.



At Wednesday, 20-10-2010 on 23:22 Christian Ferrati wrote:


I have a problem with my smtp server

If I test my server with mxtoolbox.com, receive this warning message: “Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner”.


http://www.mxtoolbox.com/public/images/btn_green.gifNot an open relay.
http://www.mxtoolbox.com/public/images/btn_green.gif 0 seconds - Good on Connection time
http://www.mxtoolbox.com/public/images/btn_green.gif 2.122 seconds - Good on Transaction time
http://www.mxtoolbox.com/public/images/btn_green.gif OK - resolves to relay.that-aviation.com
http://www.mxtoolbox.com/public/images/btn_yellow.gif Warning - Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner


My server hostname is:  relay.that-aviation.com and with dig tools, all answer section are correct: 14400 IN    PTR     relay.that-aviation.com.

that-aviation.com.      86400   IN      MX      10 relay.that-aviation.com.


Ho I can fix the problem?

With this problem I have problems to send e-mails  with some provider or client?

Thank you very much


Christian Ferrati


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