Greetings all on the QMailToaster list...

For those of you just crawling out from under a rock, let me quickly catch you up...

 * The previous _/head-master/_ of the QMT project, Jake Vickers, has
   stepped down for personal reasons and put the project into the most
   capable hands of Eric Subert (aka: "Shubes")
 * As a result, the majority of the hosting of the QMT Project needs to
   be re-distributed amongst the several volunteers
 * I have been tasked with building and managing the DNS and MIRROR
   portions of that infrastructure

One of the first steps was the transition from having 3 separate and distinct domains ( to relying almost exclusively on one (the .com). You may or may not have noticed... :-)

At the current time, I am working on making our infrastructure more global (e.g.: less USA-centric)... thus, I asked some of the developers to volunteer DNS space on their servers and as a result we now have active DNS servers on 3 continents (specifically, 4 in North America, 3 in Europe, and 2 in Asia).

For those who didn't pass geography in high school (aka: secondary school), that's pretty good coverage for the NORTHERN HEMISPHERE, but virtually nothing in the Southern (although, I do have one in Indonesia -- so the region is not completely devoid of coverage -- but that's the only one I know of that is south of the Tropic of Cancer!).

So how can you help? Well, if you're on this list, you most likely have a server (why would you be running QMail without a server?)... and we're _*looking for volunteers willing to add to /YOUR /DNS services*_. Yours would be a slave server for the domain, fetching updates from my server in the southeastern USA. The demand is already pretty low -- with your help, our volunteers won't ever see an impact at all from adding our DNS hosting...

Specifically, though, I'm looking for those of you experiencing the /dog-days of summer/ right now (as opposed to the yo-yo spring/winter/spring weather patterns hitting the northern hemisphere these days)... So, *if you have a server in South America, Africa, or Australia* (or, just for grins, in Antarctica!) and would be willing to join in on supporting the QMT infrastructure, please contact me OFF-LIST! (No sense in bothering everyone with our chatter about DNS settings or the like).

To be clear, I'm not particularly worried about your actually being south of the equator (after all, 2/3 of Africa is NORTH of the equator), but my goal is to add 2 DNS servers each in the 3 continents listed above...

SIMILARLY, with regard to the MIRRORS (which is how we distribute updates), I have great coverage in North America and Europe -- but nothing in Asia or the southern continents... mind you, the mirrors have considerably more traffic than the DNS servers, but its still not that much... if you can help here (being a mirror means having a stable and fast web server), it would be GREATLY appreciated. I would like to add TWO new mirrors NOT in North America or Europe to the project...

If you've actually READ this far, you're ahead of most of the pack... and that's great... If you need technical assistance in setting up either your DNS or web servers to support your volunteer work, there are several of us here more than willing to help.

Thanks for reading, and thanks even more for at least considering becoming an infrastructure volunteer for QMT!

Best Regards,

Dan McAllister

PS: When you reply, please make sure that your note is addressed to /**/ and NOT to qmailtoaster-list...


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