Dnia 2013-07-21, nie o godzinie 19:08 +0100, Quinn Comendant pisze:
> Hi all,
> We've been experiencing
> "CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)/I'm_not_going_to_try_again"
> errors when sending mail to @va.gov addresses. Since QMT includes the
> Big DNS Patch, a DNS packet buffer overrun isn't the issue. I wonder
> if we might be experiencing the other DNS issue described at
> <http://fanf.livejournal.com/122220.html> by Tony Finch: 

alex@alexia:~$ host -t mx va.gov
va.gov mail is handled by 10 mx20.va.gov.
alex@alexia:~$ host -a mx va.gov
Trying "mx"
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
alex@alexia:~$ host -t soa va.gov
va.gov has SOA record ns1x.va.gov. vhaciodnsmanagers.va.gov. 2011039845
43200 900 200000 7200
8<-- EOT

Ask vhaciodnsmanag...@va.gov

They have the problem.

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