On 08/18/2013 06:25 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:
On 08/18/2013 02:53 AM, Peter Peltonen wrote:


On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 2:33 AM, David Good <dav...@ntcb.com
<mailto:dav...@ntcb.com>> wrote:

    On 08/17/2013 02:05 PM, rich...@avits.ca <mailto:rich...@avits.ca>
    I am running dovecot on my qmail toaster installation, and was
    hoping it would solve my "saving message to sent folder" issue
    with Thunderbird. I do not know if this issue exists on other mail
    clients, but will check later. This seems to happen on "virtual"
    domains rather than my principle domain. I am connecting to my
    IMAPS port, and notice I can't create IMAP folders on that account
    either. Any thoughts where I should check? Permissions issues?

    You are not alone. I suspect that issue is thunderbird related, not
    toaster related. My personal observation is that I have to go into
    account options on t-bird (in the copies and folders section) and
    tick the other button for every message-type-handling and point it
    to the correct account/inbox/corresponding folder. voilĂ , then it
    works as advertised on the tin.

I have experienced these problems with Sent folder copying as well
(using the latest toaster + dovecot): copying to Sent folder with latest
Tbird  on Mac OSX sometimes takes very long and sometimes fails
(retrying usually works).

I have quite many domains (177, not all of them that active though) on
that server. Lately, I've been experiencing this problem several times a
week, sometimes many times a day. The I/O load on that server is quite
heavy I guess, sar reporting 10-20% average iowait during peak hours.

I'd be interested to hear if others are experiencing this and how one
could debug this Sent copying issue further?


Are you seeing anything in the dovecot log that corresponds? I wonder if perhaps dovecot runs short of some resource at times during heavy loads.

Also, which version are people using? It would probably behoove us to upgrade to the current stable version. I'll make that a priority while working on the COS6 release, as dovecot could be released ahead of other things for those already using it.

This is not Qmail specific, it's possibly Dovecot. I am running (don't flame me) Postfix with Dovecot and sometimes experience the same issue using Thunderbird. I believe it's the amount of times Thunderbird tries to connect. I haven't tracked it down completely, but when I did look at it, it was connections per minute. If Thunderbird tries to check the mail too frequently it will ignore requests until the timer expires.


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