On 03/16/2014 05:23 PM, Eric Shubert wrote:

The dovecot package included with COS doesn't have the vpopmail option included in the build, so it can't authenticate against vpopmail accounts. I'm guessing that might have been your problem.

Which dovecot version did you install? (or how did you install it?)

I followed what I interpreted from the qmailtoaster wiki:
*Install ***

RPMS are available for CentOS 5 i386 and x86_64 in the QmailToaster-Plus (QTP) repository <http://qtp.qmailtoaster.com/repos>. If your QMT is running an available distro/version/arch and you have qmailtoaster-plus.repo installed, you can use yum to install dovecot:

# rpm -Uvhhttp://qtp.qmailtoaster.com/trac/downloads/1
# yum --enablerepo=qtp-CentOS install dovecot

If your QMT is running on a different distro/version, you'll need to download the source rpm, then build and install the binary rpm for your distro/version, e.g:

# cd /my/rpmbuild/SRPMS
# wgethttp://qtp.qmailtoaster.com/repos/SRPMS/dovecot-2.0.11-2.qtp.src.rpm
# rpmbuild --rebuild dovecot-*.src.rpm
# rpm -ivh ../RPMS/*86*/dovecot-*.rpm

That might not work exactly, but you get the idea.

/var/log/yum.log shows this dovecot version/package:

Mar 13 11:58:51 Installed: dovecot-1.0.7-8.el5_9.1.x86_64
Mar 14 14:55:09 Erased: dovecot

Checking the qtp.qmailtoaster.com link now...there seems to be an issue with the site? Is there a different server (that needs to be updated on the wiki)?

I hope this is, otherwise, great news; that I can do the manual rebuild successfully. If there is an easier change for the CentOS REPO yum install (replacing or editing configure files), is that info somewhere here (in the mailing list)? Or do you have a different strategy to try? I didn't see a Dovecot install option in the qtp-menu. (Maybe I missed something...?)

Thank you, again!


Thomas M. Jaeger

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