On 06/30/2014 08:59 AM, Diana Calder wrote:
I'm running Qmailtoaster utilities on CentOS6 VM on a XenServer. Data
is stored on NFS. Over the weekend, the VM went into Read-Only file
system due to a lag in communication. I had to manually run FSCK
(there were errors and I told it to fix them) and reboot after
restoring it to Read-Write mode. After doing so, I had errors from
supervise. I managed to find information in the archives to let me fix
the clamd/run error but the other one still persists and I have no
idea what else I can do to fix it. I get a continuous stream of
"supervise: fatal: unable to start log/run: file does not exist".

Running qmailctl stat results in the following:

clamd: up (pid 12127) 6 seconds
log: up (pid 12138) 1 seconds
send: up (pid 8239) 1037 seconds
smtp: up (pid 8245) 1037 seconds
spamd: up (pid 11877) 96 seconds
submission: up (pid 8244) 1037 seconds
clamd/log: up (pid 8240) 1037 seconds
send/log: up (pid 8277) 1032 seconds
smtp/log: up (pid 8246) 1037 seconds
spamd/log: up (pid 12139) 1 seconds
submission/log: up (pid 8273) 1032 seconds

Mail appears to be working okay inbound and outbound but the stream of
error messages continues. I'm stumped. I really don't want to have to
backup the database, rollback to an old snapshot, and restore the
database but I might have to. I've tried starting up a copy of an old
snapshot on another VM to check for differences but can't find
anything obvious.


You shouldn't have a /var/qmail/supervise/log directory. I think if you simply remove it (or move it aside to /root/ perhaps) then you'll be fine.

Here's what I have in mine (COS6 with new packages):
[root@tacs-mail ~]# ls -l /var/qmail/supervise/
total 20
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Apr  7 10:24 clamd
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 24 11:29 send
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 24 11:29 smtp
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Apr  7 14:58 spamd
drwx-----T 4 qmaill qmail 4096 Mar 24 11:29 submission

Note for posterity, clamav and spamd are very soon to be changed to use syslogd and initd instead of supervise and multilog. This is in preparation for COS7, which will be using systemd, at which point daemontools and ucscp-tcp will no longer be used by QMT.

-Eric 'shubes'

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