Sorry - misunderstood - Jeff

On 7/26/2017 8:31 PM, Roxanne Sandesara wrote:
Jeff —

These aren’t my emails that are being rejected. These aren’t messages coming from an account on my server. These are emails coming from a client’s ISP into my server; I have no control over their servers and no way to make changes to whatever is wrong.

What I need is a way to bypass this, but ONLY for this client’s emails.

On Jul 26, 2017, at 8:16 PM, Jeff Koch < <>> wrote:

Hi Roxanne:

Try using:

to test the DKIM information in your emails. They give a fairly detailed analysis that should help you figure this out.


On 7/26/2017 7:03 PM, Roxanne Sandesara wrote:
I have a user trying to send emails to my server from their ISP to go through a 
mailing list my server is hosting. I have previously added the user’s email 
address to spamdyke’s whitelist. However, that no longer seems sufficient to 
deal with this problem.

 From /var/log/qmail/smtp/current:

2017-07-26 18:02:53.023764500 policy_check: policy allows transmission
2017-07-26 18:02:53.377824500 simscan:[10795]:CLEAN 
2017-07-26 18:02:53.379325500 qmail-smtpd: qq hard reject (DomainKeys verify status: 
bad format   (#5.3.0)): MAILFROM:<>

Pursuant to emails recently to the list, here’s what I can find in 

Jul 26 18:02:53 mail clamd[3341]: 
/var/qmail/simscan/1501106573.24430.10797/msg.1501106573.24430.10797: OK
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail clamd[3341]: 
/var/qmail/simscan/1501106573.24430.10797/addr.1501106573.24430.10797: OK
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail clamd[3341]: 
/var/qmail/simscan/1501106573.24430.10797/text file0: OK
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail clamd[3341]: 
/var/qmail/simscan/1501106573.24430.10797/text file1: OK
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail clamd[3341]: 
/var/qmail/simscan/1501106573.24430.10797/text file2: OK
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: connection from localhost [::1]:35784 
to port 783, fd 5
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: processing 
message<000b01d3065a$e66cf540$b346dfc0$>  for clamav:89
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: clean message (1.2/5.0) for clamav:89 
in 0.2 seconds, 10946 bytes.
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: result: . 1 - 
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamdyke[10791]: DENIED_OTHER from: <useremail> origin_ip: <> auth: (unknown) encryption: TLS reason: 554_DomainKeys_verify_status:_bad_format___(#5.3.0)
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: processing 
message<000b01d3065a$e66cf540$b346dfc0$>  for clamav:89
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: clean message (1.2/5.0) for 
clamav:89in 0.2 seconds, 10946 bytes.
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14603]: spamd: result: . 1 - 
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamdyke[10791]: DENIED_OTHER from: <useremail> origin_ip: <> auth: (unknown) encryption: TLS reason: 554_DomainKeys_verify_status:_bad_format___(#5.3.0)
Jul 26 18:02:53 mail spamd[14575]: prefork: child states: II

Obviously, I would prefer to keep Spamdyke in place if possible to cut down on 
the veritable torrent of spam going on out there. What can I do to bypass this 
so that my user can properly send out their messages? As it is, the server 
rejects their original send, so the mailing list never sends back the 
confirmation, and the message thusly never goes out.

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