If the above advise is taken with fixcrio you must you spamdyke to do
your TLS
On 8/29/2022 8:20 AM, Jeff Koch wrote:
I do have to say that after running qmail toasters for over 20 years
with over a few thousand users this is the first time I've heard of
this issue. I should be getting complaints up the wazoo. Jeff
On 8/29/2022 10:13 AM, Eric Broch wrote:
In your opinion, could this be fixed with a patch to the 'blast'
function in qmail-smtpd to allow bare line feeds or would there need
to be 'chunking' and 'bdat' calls added to smtp commands as well?
On 8/29/2022 7:16 AM, Tonix wrote:
Not only this (local) sender. Also other SMTP server which relay
messages with same problem, or emails generated by application
programs or network facilities which send simple alert emails not
caring too much about CR LF.
Il 29/08/2022 14:56, Jeff Koch ha scritto:
Hi Tonino:
Does this mean that all of the emails this sender sends through her
O365 server would be rejected ?
On 8/29/2022 6:55 AM, Tonix wrote:
More exactly those messages will be rejected by remote O365
receiver servers whose admins will have enabled the
SMTPSEND.BareLinefeedsAreIllegal flag.
Il 28/08/2022 22:20, Jeff Koch ha scritto:
Thanks Tonix - so the result is that messages from email clients
(like Outlook) that add multiple bare line feeds in their
messages and use O365 will now get rejected by the qmail
toaster. How nice of Microsoft.
On 8/28/2022 2:27 PM, wrote:
This document explains the problem:
I will omit my thought on remote admins.
A very simple rule in communication is: be strict when sending,
be tolerant when receiving.
Il 28 agosto 2022 19:24:13 CEST, Jeff Koch
<> ha scritto:
>Further information:
>The sender also got the following message from his exchange
mailserver when trying to send to our mailserver:
>Your message contains invalid characters (bare line feed
characters) which the email servers at don't support
>On 8/28/2022 12:45 PM, Jeff Koch wrote:
>> Never heard of this before but an email sender to our
mailserver got the following error message:
>> 550 5.6.11 SMTPSEND.BareLinefeedsAreIllegal; message contains
bare linefeeds, which cannot be sent via DATA and receiving
system does not support BDAT
>> Does anyone know whether the qmail toaster supports the SMTP
protocol BDAT command ?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
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