
That's bad :-(

Why you don't use hook_quit ?


Hanno Hecker schrieb:
On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 13:58:07 +0200
Stefan Priebe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To 4.) perhaps the new instance also solves this problem. I don't remember the failure - i only know that it was TLS related. And the connection fails after TLS command.
It does not solve it, it seems to be a problem with the SSL socket. We
can't close it properly with
 $ssl_sock->close(SSL_no_shutdown => 1, SSL_ctx_free => 1);
The child would have no socket to talk to the next client...
Downgrading to clear text doesn't seem to bee supported by
IO::Socket::SSL. I guess that -async would have the same problem (if
SSL would be possible).

For now it seems like the only solution is to exit the process if SSL
and non-SSL connections are used on the same port (STARTTLS),
prefereably not in hook_disconnect() but in hook_post_connection(), see
attached diff. With SSL-only connections on port 465 everything works
fine for me.


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