I reinstalled clean, from scratch.

I changed my 'run' file to the following:

exec 2>&1 \
sh -c '
    exec \
        /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 100000000 \
        ${PERL-perl} -T ./qpsmtpd-prefork \
        --port 25 \
        --port 587 \
        --children 30 \
        --idle-children 5 \
        --pid-file /var/run/qpsmtpd.pid \
        --renice-parent 5 \
        --detach \
        --max-from-ip 10 \
        --user smtpd

I fired it up:

svc -u /services/qpsmtpd

The log file shows everything loading - all the modules - but then (over
and over...):

Found an already running qpsmtpd with pid 26407.

This pid is the one in /var/run/qpsmtpd.pid, but not the one that was
doing all the logging.

I shut it down:

svc -d /services/qpsmtpd

But there are still qpsmtpd process running, including the one found in
the still pressent /var/run/qpsmtpd.pid file. I remove them and the file

Am I to understand that prefork will not run under tcpserver, and requires
an init.d style start/stop script?



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