On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 08:17:51PM +0000, J wrote:
> On Thu, 21 May 2009, Ask Bj?rn Hansen wrote:
> >     wget http://github.com/abh/qpsmtpd/tarball/master
> I copied the qpsmtpd-prefork from there and restarted. The following error
> is repeated, with no qpsmtpd-prefork processes showing up:

Yeah, that's a bug -- sent a patch a few minutes ago.  However, if you're
seeing it, then your commandline isn't specifying multiple ports to listen on;
use --listen-address --listen-address to get the
behavior you're looking for (and avoid the bug).

Devin  \ aqua(at)devin.com, IRC:Requiem; http://www.devin.com
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