On Mon, 5 Apr 2010, Steve wrote:

On Apr 1, 2010, at 2:56, Steve wrote:

Hello list,

somehow I don't get a new line separating the mail body from the mail
headers. How can I enforce a new line between header and body?

I am using qpsmtp 0.83 and delivery to maildir.

Hallo Bjørn,

Can you give an example of the SMTP transaction (the input to the server)
that gives the unexpected result?

I did a simple transaction over telnet and port 25:
HELO localhost
MAIL FROM:<f...@domain.tld>
RCPT TO:<t...@domain.tld>
SUBJECT: Just a test
This is a test.
[just pressing ENTER here]

QPSMTPD does not separate the body from the header. Doing the same on a Postfix SMTPD adds a separate line between the header and the body.

Your message is not a valid RFC 2822 message.


Your message can only be interpreted as one with no body, and with one invalid header "This is a test".

I use the "maildir" queue plugin. I looked at the "maildir" plugin and it could use some additional code to add a empty line while writing the body. Should I modify that code to add that empty line?

IMO no. Just use a valid message format in whatever you are using to generate messages.

Probably no one is going to it the way I have done it above. Probably most SMTPD servers out there would do it that way (see the new line after "SUBJECT"):
HELO localhost
MAIL FROM:<f...@domain.tld>
RCPT TO:<t...@domain.tld>
SUBJECT: Just a test

This is a test.
[just pressing ENTER here]

  - ask

// Steve

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