On 2018-03-01 09:09, Eike Ziller wrote:
Hi, great that you were able to use Qt Creator for that!

A few notes:

QMake has a separate variable for Objective-C/++ sources called  
OBJECTIVE_SOURCES. Not sure if it makes a difference in Qt Creator though (or 
if we only care about the file extension).

I checked, seems OBJECTIVE_SOURCES or SOURCES work the same in my .pro file for the purpose of Qt Creator's syntax highlighting and code completion/IntelliSense.

I suppose you can get rid of your INCLUDEPATH and links if you set the Sysroot 
in your kit to 

Yes I could get rid of them! But the answer was actually much simpler, I had forgot to install Qt 5.10.1 for iOS, only had it for "Desktop" on my desktop Mac. Once I've installed iOS support, removed the old .pro.user file and started anew with "Qt 5.10.1 for iOS Simulator", #importing <UIKit/UIKit.h> works like a charm without any ln -s helper links :-)

One more question: for all the Xcode bashing, I find the Analyze compile command in Xcode more powerful/finding more stuff than the Analyze/Clang Static Analyzer in Qt Creator. For example, if I have this simple function in my .mm file:

void xyzzy()
    int i = 42;
    int i2 = i + i;
    i = i2;

Qt Creator's Analyze is happy with it but Xcode's Analyze says "Value stored to 'i' is never read" for the "i = i2;" source line. Would be nice if Qt Creator could have the same power :-)

Rgrds Henry

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