
Thanks for your answer, please see below the log for just starting and stopping 
the application, it seems that the correct libraries are loaded... I'm using 
the latest JDK 1.6.0_11 to start the application and following flags:

-Dcom.trolltech.qt.verbose-loading=true -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m 

Loading qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar from 
Unpacking .jar file: 'qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar'
Checking Archive 'qtjambi-win32-msvc2005-4.4.3_01.jar'
- cache key='msvc2005-20080925-1845'
- adding 'QtCore4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtCore4.dll', 
- adding 'QtGui4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtGui4.dll', 
- adding 'QtXml4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtXml4.dll', 
- adding 'QtSql4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtSql4.dll', 
- adding 'QtSvg4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtSvg4.dll', 
- adding 'QtNetwork4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtNetwork4.dll', 
- adding 'QtOpenGL4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtOpenGL4.dll', 
- adding 'QtWebKit4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtWebKit4.dll', 
- adding 'QtXmlPatterns4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/QtXmlPatterns4.dll', 
- adding 'phonon4.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/phonon4.dll', 
- library: name='plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_ds94.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/qjpeg4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/qgif4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/qmng4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/qtiff4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/qsvg4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/iconengines/qsvgicon4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/qcncodecs4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/qjpcodecs4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/qkrcodecs4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/qtwcodecs4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/accessible/qtaccessiblewidgets4.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/sqldrivers/qsqlite4.dll', never load
- adding 'qtjambi.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/qtjambi.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_core.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_core.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_gui.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_gui.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_xml.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_xml.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_sql.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_sql.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_svg.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_svg.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_network.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_network.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_opengl.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_opengl.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_phonon.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_phonon.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_webkit.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_webkit.dll', 
- adding 'com_trolltech_qt_xmlpatterns.dll' to library map
- library: name='bin/com_trolltech_qt_xmlpatterns.dll', 
- library: 
never load
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never 
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never 
- library: name='plugins/imageformats/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never 
- library: 
never load
- library: name='plugins/iconengines/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/iconengines/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/iconengines/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never load
- library: 
name='plugins/codecs/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/codecs/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never load
- library: 
never load
- library: name='plugins/phonon_backend/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never 
- library: name='plugins/phonon_backend/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never 
- library: name='plugins/phonon_backend/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never 
- library: name='bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest', never load
- library: name='bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never load
- library: name='bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never load
- library: name='bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never load
- library: 
name='plugins/accessible/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest', never 
- library: name='plugins/accessible/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/accessible/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/accessible/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never load
- library: 
name='plugins/sqldrivers/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest', never 
- library: name='plugins/sqldrivers/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcm80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/sqldrivers/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcp80.dll', never load
- library: name='plugins/sqldrivers/Microsoft.VC80.CRT/msvcr80.dll', never load
- plugin path='plugins'
- using cache directory: 
- cache directory exists
Loading library: 'QtCore4.dll'...
- using deployment spec
- ok!
Loading library: 'qtjambi.dll'...
- using deployment spec
- ok!
Loading library: 'QtCore4.dll'...
- already loaded, skipping...
Loading library: 'com_trolltech_qt_core.dll'...
- using deployment spec
- ok!
Loading library: 'QtGui4.dll'...
- using deployment spec
- ok!
Loading library: 'com_trolltech_qt_gui.dll'...
- using deployment spec
- ok!
[MysqldResource] stopping mysqld (process: 296)
[MysqldResource] shutdown complete
[MysqldResource] launching mysqld (cupss-mysqld-thread)090302 8:45:58 InnoDB: 
Started; log sequence number 0 97579187
090302 8:45:58 [Note] 
C:\Work\cvsroot\cupss\database\cupss_example\bin\mysqld-nt.exe: ready for 
Version: '5.0.45-community-nt-log' socket: '' port: 3336 MySQL Community 
Edition (GPL)[MysqldResource] mysqld running as process: 
2176QtJambiInternal.buildMetaData: Writer for property itemEditedId takes a 
type which is incompatible with reader's return type.
QtJambiInternal.buildMetaData: Writer for property currentDate takes a type 
which is incompatible with reader's return type.[MysqldResource] stopping 
mysqld (process: 2176)090302 8:46:28 [Note] 
C:\Work\cvsroot\cupss\database\cupss_example\bin\mysqld-nt.exe: Normal 
shutdown090302 8:46:28 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
090302 8:46:32 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 97579197
090302 8:46:32 [Note] 
C:\Work\cvsroot\cupss\database\cupss_example\bin\mysqld-nt.exe: Shutdown 
complete[MysqldResource] clearing options
[MysqldResource] shutdown complete

Thank you,

----- Original Message ----
From: Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt <>
To: Danny Sporea <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Monday, March 2, 2009 3:41:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Qt-jambi-interest] Upgrading from Jambi 4.3.5 to 4.4.3

Danny Sporea wrote:
> Hello all,
>  I was trying to upgrade the Jambi version on our existing application from 
>4.3.5 to 4.4.3 and I'm having some trouble:
>  - Some of the buttons to not show the text on them (some only, not all);
> - When opening some dialog windows, the whole application freezes;
> - When opening some other dialog windows with a scrollbar, the scrollbar does 
> not work, the dialog scrolls only using the mouse wheel, but does not accept 
> any input and the application is frozen also;
> - Right click defined context menus popup, but selecting any option freezes 
> the application;
> - I see some errors like the one below in the log when starting the 
> application and during browsing through the screens, but does not seem to be 
> related to the instances above when the application freezes:
> QtJambiInternal.buildMetaData: Writer for property itemEditedId takes a type 
> which is incompatible with reader's return type.
>  Is there any documentation on what exactly was changed in 4.4 and how to 
>approach this upgrade ? Is there a way to upgrade or shouldn't I bother ?

Care is taken to make Qt Jambi backwards compatible, so it is definitely not 
intentional on our side that you are experiencing these problems. Upgrading 
should simply be a question of swapping the Qt Jambi .jar files for the new 

I have not seen any of these errors reported before, but given the fact that 
they are so severe and disparate, my best guess is that there are memory 
corruptions, perhaps due to mixing different versions of the Qt Jambi native 
libraries in the same process. If this is the case, it can give you highly 
random results. Could you try launching your application with the command line 


This will print information to your console about which exact libraries are 
being loaded by Qt Jambi, and could give us a clue about what is going wrong.

-- Eskil


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