Also, all the dlls that you need should be found on your host computer. You
don't need to google for any of them. By doing so, you might end up
downloading dlls for a different processor architecture etc. msvcr90d.dll
for example should be found somewhere in C:\Program Files \Microsoft Visual
Studio [version]\VC\ce\dll.

Also, I don't think I've needed coredll.dll on a WinCE target. While
dependency walker says that it's needed, it should be on the target
platform. A custom mkspec might be needed as well if you are not using the
standard sdk.


On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:17 AM, ahmed zaib <> wrote:

> try to deploy any of examples and let us know how it goes.
> Please ,though silly, check the configuration manager as well if its build
> and deployed for same target.
> some more details may help us figuring out your situation;
> are you deploying on device or sdk ?,
> Can you go to the deployment dir and try to run the app manually ?
> Reg,
> Ahmed.
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:54 PM, m_chatziioannou <>wrote:
>> I also tested the release build and the same thing happens apart from one
>> file. In release mode it does not require msvcr90d.dll, but msvcr90.dll.
>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM, İsmail Dönmez <>wrote:
>>> You seem to be deploying a "Debug" build, it might be that its too big to
>>> fit in memory. Can you try to deploy a "Release" build?
>>> Regards,
>>> ismail
>>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:43 PM, m_chatziioannou <>wrote:
>>>> Hello to my fellow developers,
>>>> I am having big time trouble deploying my QT/WinCE application. Any help
>>>> would be very much appreciated.
>>>> Let me tell you what I have done so far and what errors come up.
>>>> 1. I installed Visual Studio 2008 and its SP1
>>>> 2. Installed QT VS 2008 Package (not the full SDK)
>>>> 3. Installed Visual Studio Addin (latest version)
>>>> 4. I followed to the letter the instructions from this page .... and
>>>> installed QT for WinCE
>>>>     For this purpose I compiled against Visual Studio 2008 using in my
>>>> configuration win32-msvc2008 and for my cross compile platform I used
>>>> wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2008.
>>>>     The device I am using has an ARM920T proccessor which is based on
>>>> the ARMv4T architecture.
>>>>     Since there is no other mkspec I used the one mentioned above. I
>>>> have to say that I created my own mkspec but that didn't work as well.
>>>> The compilation of QT went OK. From then on I can create a new QT/Wince
>>>> Application in Visual Studio 2008. Building the application produces no
>>>> errors, but when I try to deploy it I get an error message saying that the
>>>> file cannot be found.
>>>> I used Dependency Walker and it showed three files missing required by
>>>> the application executable
>>>>  - coredll.dll
>>>>  - msvcr90d.dll and
>>>>  - ieshims.dll
>>>> I googled the files, found them, put them in the same folder with the
>>>> executable on the device and I got the following message:
>>>> "This is not a valid Windows CE application".
>>>> Can anyone who installed succesfully point me to the right direction
>>>> because this is getting kind of frustrating since it has been over fifteen
>>>> days of trial and error.
>>>> Thank you!
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