Hello again,
I solved the problem with the dependencies, as Slobodan mentioned, and I
deployed successfully a simple qt application (the phonon appliction from
the qt examples) on th device.
But when I try to run the executable, I receive the same error message, "Not
a valid winCE application".
I 've also try to deploy a simple c++ application, that I built in Visual
Studio 2008 (without qt), on my device and I can run it successfully.

is there any chance that it is all about the processor architecture? I used
armv4i-msvc2008. Should I tamper with mkspecs?

Thank you

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Andreas Unger <andi.unge...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Also, all the dlls that you need should be found on your host computer. You
> don't need to google for any of them. By doing so, you might end up
> downloading dlls for a different processor architecture etc. msvcr90d.dll
> for example should be found somewhere in C:\Program Files \Microsoft Visual
> Studio [version]\VC\ce\dll.
> Also, I don't think I've needed coredll.dll on a WinCE target. While
> dependency walker says that it's needed, it should be on the target
> platform. A custom mkspec might be needed as well if you are not using the
> standard sdk.
> -Andreas
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 8:17 AM, ahmed zaib <ahmed.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> try to deploy any of examples and let us know how it goes.
>> Please ,though silly, check the configuration manager as well if its build
>> and deployed for same target.
>> some more details may help us figuring out your situation;
>> are you deploying on device or sdk ?,
>> Can you go to the deployment dir and try to run the app manually ?
>> Reg,
>> Ahmed.
>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:54 PM, m_chatziioannou <vernie...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I also tested the release build and the same thing happens apart from one
>>> file. In release mode it does not require msvcr90d.dll, but msvcr90.dll.
>>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM, İsmail Dönmez <ism...@namtrac.org>wrote:
>>>> You seem to be deploying a "Debug" build, it might be that its too big
>>>> to fit in memory. Can you try to deploy a "Release" build?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> ismail
>>>> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 2:43 PM, m_chatziioannou 
>>>> <vernie...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hello to my fellow developers,
>>>>> I am having big time trouble deploying my QT/WinCE application. Any
>>>>> help would be very much appreciated.
>>>>> Let me tell you what I have done so far and what errors come up.
>>>>> 1. I installed Visual Studio 2008 and its SP1
>>>>> 2. Installed QT VS 2008 Package (not the full SDK)
>>>>> 3. Installed Visual Studio Addin (latest version)
>>>>> 4. I followed to the letter the instructions from this page .... and
>>>>> installed QT for WinCE
>>>>>     For this purpose I compiled against Visual Studio 2008 using in my
>>>>> configuration win32-msvc2008 and for my cross compile platform I used
>>>>> wince50standard-armv4i-msvc2008.
>>>>>     The device I am using has an ARM920T proccessor which is based on
>>>>> the ARMv4T architecture.
>>>>>     Since there is no other mkspec I used the one mentioned above. I
>>>>> have to say that I created my own mkspec but that didn't work as well.
>>>>> The compilation of QT went OK. From then on I can create a new QT/Wince
>>>>> Application in Visual Studio 2008. Building the application produces no
>>>>> errors, but when I try to deploy it I get an error message saying that the
>>>>> file cannot be found.
>>>>> I used Dependency Walker and it showed three files missing required by
>>>>> the application executable
>>>>>  - coredll.dll
>>>>>  - msvcr90d.dll and
>>>>>  - ieshims.dll
>>>>> I googled the files, found them, put them in the same folder with the
>>>>> executable on the device and I got the following message:
>>>>> "This is not a valid Windows CE application".
>>>>> Can anyone who installed succesfully point me to the right direction
>>>>> because this is getting kind of frustrating since it has been over fifteen
>>>>> days of trial and error.
>>>>> Thank you!
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