At 12:02 PM 10/12/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
I have a question.
If President Bush's position on Stem Cells is based on the fact that he thinks an embryo is life then why is it ok for the donor to decide if it's destroyed or given to research or adopted by another clinic.
It seems to me if an embryo is life then the parents of the embryo should be held accountable for destroying it in the first place.
This is why I have a problem with this position on embryonic stem cell research.
Why is it ok for the donor to decide this isn't life but not researchers are we saying that ordinary people are smarter than our best scientist?

I've been searching for an unbias definition on the beginning of life. A legal definition. I haven't found it yet but figured I should reply so you don't think I'm just avoiding you. I found this definition.

I believe the current laws in the U.S. is that embryos created for IVF are property of the couple. I remember seeing news stories about couples getting divorced fighting over ownership of the frozen embryos. More research to do because I don't want to make up crap.


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