I don't think this was fair. Ben Wallace & Ron Artest I understand. Jermaine
O'Neal & Stephen Jackson should be suspended & fined 4sho but indefinite
suspension. We're loosing 3 starters for a long time. I'm sure that Jermaine
& Jackson will at some point be back but this could cost us our whole
season. :( I'm sure everyones seen it on tv by now. Lets take a poll what do
you feel should happen to the players involved?

Statement from NBA Commissioner David Stern Concerning the Altercation
During the Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers Game Last Night at The Palace
of Auburn Hills 
NEW YORK, Nov. 20 -- NBA Commissioner David Stern issued the following
statement today:

³The events at last nightıs game were shocking, repulsive and inexcusable --
a humiliation for everyone associated with the NBA. This demonstrates why
our players must not enter the stands whatever the provocation or poisonous
behavior of people attending the games. Our investigation is ongoing and I
expect it to be completed by tomorrow evening.

The NBA has taken the following actions, effective immediately:

1. Indiana players Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson and Jermaine OıNeal are
suspended indefinitely, the length to be determined upon completion of the

2. Detroit player Ben Wallace is suspended indefinitely, the length to be
determined upon completion of the investigation.

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