People ask me.  I tell them that I got a rare illness 4 years ago that left me paralyzed and they ask will I get better.  That's no so silly except for the people that I have gotten in detail with and I tell them that there hasn't been any improvement in over 3.  I have even had nurses ask me if I can stand up.  UGH  NO I'm paralyzed is what I think but like Billy, I don’t want to come off rude so I just tell them nicely as with the getting better question.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 9:52 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Questions People ask us Quads.

     At Least Once A Month , people in my neighborhood and at church or etc. will ask about my injury-------I tell them i'm paralyzed from upper chest down and a c-6 Quadriplegic from a car wreck on Aug. 3rd 1997.Then they ask how far can I walk on my own without my powerchair....................Are most people really this dumb or just uninformed ?

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