I have been convinced that once you get the "Gut" you might as well wear
  it and Thank God that it's only "Fat" that grew their, not some "Alien"
  waiting to pop out anytime and chase your Butt down. Boy that's pretty
  Damn Funny about feeling dizzy after 15 seconds and forgive me for saying
  so, but I get dizzy just about everytime I take a weight shift and I do the
  "Tilt Thing" for 15 to 20 minutes.
  Chet   ( Cquad7 )  C-6 incomplete C-7 complete

I tried competitive blinking and wiggling my ears with weights. My tongue is strong, but my gut is still there. Damnit,
n a message dated 8/5/2005 4:52:12 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
my doc keeps thinking there's some exercises i can do to 'build up' strength or maybe work down my quad belly.  maybe he's right...
dave c3 inc. 1967

Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think quad-guts are mostly on C5's and higher. At least the C6's I know can push their own manual chairs and have more stomach muscles. As a C5 there are not many exercises I can do. Other than lift my arms high and swing them around. I've used weights, but 1 pound and I can't do it much. I try and twist my body as fast and much as I can, but in 15 seconds I'm out of breath and dizzy.

(what's a quad?)


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