Hi Joan, I agree with David as for having Woman around. As for the fluke part,
 Nah You ain't no fluke. To be truthful none of us needed this to happen to us where
 we can't work and take care of ourselves. This was mean't to show others to
 be more careful doing what they like to do, cause it could bite them hard in the
 Butt. I don't know how you got hurt but, if you like to can read about my accident
 here is my web page. We got Quad Gut from sitting to darn much and eating
 good food like we like too.
                             web page: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arena/5815
Chet  ( Cquad7 )  C-6 incomplete C-7 complete

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Joan,
You ladies may be flukes, but what would we men do without you around??????  :-)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA

Joan Anglin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I weigh 125 (was 5'6"), wear a size 10, and am 20 lbs less than before my backward flip, but no muscle now of course.I got tired of the quad-gut that developed after a couple of years. I now wear a bodysuit/torso slimmer, and no more quad gut. Since I can't move anything below shoulders, there's no exercised I can do. When I lay flat I have a concave stomach.

Course, women weren't meant to be quads-------we struggle to keep a flat tummy, where do those chest straps go?, and its much more difficult to cath ladies!!!!!!! So we're just flukes LOL

Joan c4  1990

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