Hi Greg,
I've gone about 4 miles to a friend's house, used the batteries some there, and 4 miles home with no problems.  That chair is a 1990 Quickie, so I'm expecting more out of my new Pride Q6000.  http://www.pridemobility.com/quantum/
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA  

Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
How far do you guys dare to drive your chairs away from your houses?
When I moved, I really wanted to move to a place by a big park with trails, etc. My sister had lived in a planned community that had trails throughout the neighborhood that connected parks, etc. That was my big must have. But the house I found did not have that, but was to good a deal to pass up. One house had everything I wanted, right next to this huge park that went forever, but the house was too small. But now the city is building this trail that goes for like 15-20 miles, it is a jogging trail / equestrian trail (half paved half compact clay. Anyway, it looks like it will be about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from me. Once I get a cell phone I can use and my new chair back from the shop, I might try going to it alone. I rarely go anywhere by myself. Partly nowhere to go, partly afraid what if my chair died. I go up to the new park down the street, but it's just a big open park with a paved walkway to the kids play area. I often take my niece there. ! I live in a suburb of mostly just houses, but the new freeway has brought lots of stripmalls. There is not much land left, but around the corner is about a 10 acre lot. I'm hoping something cool will go in, not just more houses.

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