I found out fast that the humidity here can be bad, the first few years I lived here I lived in the valley. The summers had their share of hot humid days. After I got married in 03 my husband and I started talking about finding a bigger place to live, and since he had lived on Lookout Mountain for over 20 odd years he suggested we look there.  It is only 10-12 miles difference from the valley to the top of the mountain, but it is a world of difference temp wise. While we have had some hot days the humidity up here is no where near as bad and down below.  And like I mentioned before the prices are reasonable.  I added the link to my blog spot, there is a pic of the College my husband works at, it shows the surrounding area - the road in the pic that runs next to the school is near my home (less than a mile ). It is a beautiful area, I too am a Yankee born and raised but I have to say I would honestly suggest this area to anyone looking for a place that offers milder climates, yet a change in every season (I love the fall colors ). Friendly people, great food and like anywhere else good doctors in amongst the idiots -- I am  starting to sound like an ad for Southern Living : )

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