I once knew a C-4/5 who is a Physical Therapist for a local company here.  He 
is older
and a wonderful motivational inspiration for those he serves.  I believe he 
owned the
company called Thera- PutX.  At one time, he had the only Aqua Tub in the 
area.  I wonder what happened to him?  (I'll have to check on that guy)
But you can do it.  Education is most important.  Only the top 5% of those 
who apply
meet the knowledge skills necessary to attend school to become an OT or PT.
Its tough and will bring out the best in you.
May you do well in your endeavor.

In a message dated 11/2/05 3:40:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< hey guys
I really want to pursue becoming an OT.  What do you guys think  my chances 
are of competing with AB OTs?  I'm c-5/6 incomplete with  enough arm strength 
to do most all my own transfers, but there's no way I'd be  able to help 
another person do a transfer.  I've heard that more and more  OT aides are 
the therapists.  I could also become a  supervisor.  What do you all think? 
Luke >>

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