Hi Lana,
It sounds like Gabe is covering everything he can to stop his spasms, but is still getting them.  Does he want to stay in bed because the spasms aren't as bad there?  If so it may be that it is what he is wearing when he gets up that is causing the spasms.  Stay strong.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 

Lana Baugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was hoping you guys could help me.  Gabe is having bladder and bowel spasms. He had kidney stones removed in Sept. and ended up with a double UTI. He still has not kicked them. He has a lot of bowel spasms and when ya add bladder spasms he refuses to get out of bed. Mind you this is not Gabe. So I know he is really hurting. Gabe uses ditropan -15mg a day. He weighs 130lbs. Is that enough? He has tried detrol and hyoscyomin and they didn’t work. Drinks lots of fluid, uses lemon juice and cranberry supp. Uses heating pad on abdomen. Uses a sterile CIC syste! m.   Any ideas??

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